5 Unknown Facts About Freelancing

Freelancing is a great way to make money while doing your own thing. And while it might sound like the perfect fit for people like you, there are some things you should know before getting started. In this post, we're going to cover 5 unknown facts about freelancing: what it takes to be successful, how much you can expect to make, and more! Want in? Read on! 1) Freelancers are responsible for their taxes: Think that freelancing means no taxes? Wrong! Freelancers are responsible for their taxes, and they even pay them quarterly instead of at the end of the year. Okay, so freelancers get quarterly tax-free payments, but the system isn't without flaws. The main issue is that freelancers have to declare what they made during the previous quarter to receive this payment. So let's say you worked every day for three months straight and your estimated taxes are more than what you made - tough luck! You'll have to pay the difference at the end of the year. For a detailed g...